Professional Gardening Services in Croydon

Have your gardening in Croydon done by experienced local gardeners

  • A photo capturing the process of selecting a service to book from Fantastic Services.
    1. Book your appointment online
    Schedule your gardening service via our online booking form or the GoFantastic app. Everything will be organised in seconds for the day and time convenient for you.
  • Geographic map displaying available professionals, tailored to the entered postcode for convenient selection of services.
    2. Say hello to the friendly gardener
    Time to meet up with the scheduled professional. You can greet them either at your property or arrange a quick key pick-up from a close-by location.
  • A photo depicting the process of selecting a time slot to book a service from Fantastic Services.
    3. Sit back and relax
    Enjoy satisfying results without lifting a finger. After the job is done you can inspect it to make sure that everything is done properly.

What Do Customers Say? Croydon Garden Care Ratings & Reviews

The image shows a couple of gardeners who are working in the front yard of a house. One of them is removing weeds from a walkway, the other is trimming a shrub.

Why Choose Us for Your Lawn & Gardening Services in Croydon?

We are not just maintaining your garden space, we can transform your outdoors into a paradise. Here are just a few of the arguments to pick us:

  • Bad weather is not an excuse;
  • Free black bin bag of green waste removal;
  • Gardeners bring all tools and equipment.

Experienced professionals you can count on

What Sets Our Croydon Gardening Experts Apart?

The cleaners we partner with are capable of meeting every requirement regardless of the scope of the gardening project:

  • Fully insured gardeners;
  • Efficient and dedicated to completing every job;
  • Equipped with professional trimmers and chainsaws. Lawn-mowers and other tools.

We are ISO certified:ISO CertifiedOther recognitions:Safe ContractorThe Contractors’ Health and Safety Assessment Scheme

mowing a lawn services

Which Yard Services Are Most Popular in Croydon?

gardening services

Garden maintenance

You can book garden maintenance to keep the tidy look of your garden all the time. Some of the tasks the gardeners will complete are:

  • Manual weed removal and chemical weed control;
  • Leaf clearance;
  • Ivy pruning;
  • Remove up to one black bin bag of green waste for free.

Garden clearance

If you've left green waste and debris untouched for a long time, we'll clear it and refresh your outdoor space. The service includes:

  • Trimming and cutting back hedges;
  • Pruning or complete removal of bushes, trees, and ivy;
  • Broken fence panels removal and other broken garden features.

Lawn care

Maintain the aesthetic appearance of your lawn with the help of trained Croydon gardeners - they'll mow your lawn perfectly for you.

What Other Outdoor Care Services Can You Rely on Us For?

Jet washing

Restore the sparkle to your stained deck with a professional pressure wash! Our powerful jet-washing services can remove stubborn stains and debris.

Gutter cleaning

Keep pests, dirt, and bacteria at bay by scheduling regular gutter cleaning. If you don't have the energy, request our gutter cleaning services.

Window cleaning

Our internal or external window cleaning leaves your property or conservatory’s glass streak-free. The cleaners will use purified water for the best results.

Garden Maintenance

Before and after our gardening service

garden-clearance Before garden-clearance-before2 After
turf-laying Before turf-laying After
garden maintenance Before garden maintenance After
garden clearance Before garden clearance After

Looking for Skilled Local Gardeners in Croydon?

Professional Boril
Boril 4.4/5 65 ratings

Number of bookings: 239

With Fantastic Services for: 6 months


Garden clearance Lawn topdressing and overseeding Window boxes Christmas tree delivery and installation
Professional Stefan
Stefan 4.5/5 1165 ratings

Number of bookings: 4583

With Fantastic Services for: 6 years


Resin-bound surfacing Stump grinding and removal Crown thinning, lifting, and reduction Landscaping and garden design

What the reviews say

"Neat garden clearance and weeding. Area looks clean and plants are expertly maintained."

- Sophia C.

Professional Svetoslav
Svetoslav 4.9/5 509 ratings

Number of bookings: 2264

With Fantastic Services for: 6 years


Lawn topdressing and overseeding Turfing services Christmas tree delivery and installation Turf laying

What the reviews say

"Efficient garden clearance and weeding. Clean and organized space, and plants look healthier."

- Ava M.

Commonly Asked Questions About Our Gardening Services in Croydon

Should I reschedule if it is raining?
Yes, you can always reschedule if the weather surprises the gardeners and they are up to executing a gardening job that cannot be done during bad weather. However, gardeners can accomplish many tasks even if it’s raining.
Are the local gardeners prepared with the necessary tools and equipment?
Yes, all gardeners we work with carry tools and machinery suitable for completing a specific job.
How many gardeners should I expect?
The number of specialists we send depends on the scope of the job. Anyway, most gardening tasks can be done by 2 experts, but we can send more if necessary.
Can you pick up all generated garden waste?
The gardeners can collect up to one black bin bag of green waste out of charge. However, if there is more greenery left and you want them to remove it instead of you, we will charge you extra for the disposal and bags.
How often can you maintain my outdoor space?
The Croydon specialists can take care of your garden as much as you wish - once or twice a week, monthly etc.
How can I pay for the service?
You can pay with your debit or credit card, bank transfer or Apple Pay. We don’t accept cash payments to ensure the safety and transparency of the process.

Can't find the answer you're looking for?
Visit our Help Center.

Let our Professional Gardening Service in Croydon Transform Your Outdoor Space!


Thinking About a Green Business? Explore Our Fantastic Franchise Opportunity!

Have the know-how and expertise in cleaning, gardening, tradesmen, removals or pest control industry? Don’t hesitate to partner with us. We can offer the following:

  • A constant flow of customers;
  • Care of your marketing, sales and other business aspects;
  • Internal business and service courses for continual business growth.
Image promoting a franchise opportunity in cleaning services, highlighting fantastic service quality and professionalism.
Domestic clients 020 3404 3444
Business clients 020 3746 1062

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