Cleaning Services in Seven Kings Near You

Get a Professional Cleaning Service You Can Trust in Seven Kings
  • 7-day availability
  • Trained & insured professional cleaners
  • 5-star cleaning services in Seven Kings
  • Safe biodegradable cleaning products
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Cleaning Seven Kings Sustainability

Why the Cleaning Professionals in Seven Kings that We Work With are Great

Create a sparkling home with our professional 5-star cleaning services in Seven Kings, and enjoy the freshness and warmth of your living space.

  • Easy to book online
  • 7-day availability
  • Experienced local cleaners
  • 5-star quality work guarantee
  • Insured and vetted professionals
Why the Cleaning Professionals in Seven Kings that We Work With are Great

How Online Booking with Us Works

Book your local service in Seven Kings quickly and easily with our online booking form. You can preview our real-time availability, customise your service, and book it all in one go. It's a fast and convenient way to get what you need, when you need it.

  • 1. Enter your local area code Create a Fantastic Account and enter your Seven Kings post code in the online booking form to get started.
  • 2. Choose cleaning service Provide all the necessary information and state your exact cleaning requirements.
  • 3. Pick a time slot We can work together to determine a time for our cleaners to arrive that is suitable for you.
  • 4. Revel in the tidiness of your house Have a great time in your spotlessly clean home!

Experienced Local Cleaners in Seven Kings

  • Background checked and vetted.
  • Fully insured with a satisfaction guarantee.
  • No hidden fees or additional charges.
  • Respectfully handling your valuables.
Experienced Local Cleaners in Seven Kings

What Customers from Seven Kings are Saying About Our Cleaning Services

What the Cleaners in Seven Kings Can Do to Improve Your Home's Cleanliness

The certified technicians we partner with are highly skilled in all areas of housekeeping services.

End of Tenancy Cleaning Service

With our 5-star rated end of tenancy cleaning service, approved by landlords and leading letting agents throughout London, make sure your rented accommodation is spotless when you leave.

Carpet Cleaning Service

Our on-location carpet cleaning service utilises the most up-to-date professional equipment to provide a thorough clean of your carpets, rugs, upholstery, mattresses and curtains without the need to move them.

Regular Cleaning Service

Choose your ideal Seven Kings home cleaning day and time, decide how often you'd like a visit, let us know which tasks are most important to you, and we'll do the rest!

Window Cleaning Service

If you require commercial or residential window cleaning, our knowledge and tools make it possible for your windows to appear just like new.

Gutter Cleaning Service

Protect your property from the cost of water damage with a professional gutter cleaning service.

Oven Cleaning Service

At our service, we provide top-of-the-line professional equipment for on-site oven cleaning. We'll come right to your kitchen and clean your ovens, hobs, extractors, and microwaves.

Check prices & availability Login required. Book in less than 3 minutes.

Welcome the Local House Cleaners

Petya 4.96/5 297 ratings

Number of bookings: 1160

With Fantastic Services for: 4 years


Regular Cleaning One-Off Cleaning Ironing Decluttering

What the reviews say

"A trustworthy source for an array of services. Their versatility simplifies my tasks."

- Noah S.

Ivan 4.69/5 103 ratings

Number of bookings: 459

With Fantastic Services for: 2 years


End of Tenancy Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning Oven Cleaning After Builders Cleaning Window Cleaning One-Off Cleaning
Vaibhavi 4.53/5 19 ratings

Number of bookings: 56

With Fantastic Services for: 4 months


Regular Cleaning One-Off Cleaning

What the reviews say

"Their service reflects true dedication to customer preferences. My home is kept clean and tailored to my liking."

- Mia P.

Frequently asked questions

What is your cancellation policy?

We allow for cancellations up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled service. Cancellations after this time may be subject to charges.

What kind of cleaning products do you use?

We use only green, non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning products.

Are your services insured?

Yes, all of our services are covered by insurance.

What are the Average Cleaning Service Costs in Seven Kings

Most cleaning services are booked by the hour; the cleaners will remain until the allotted time has passed.

Average service cost in this area is:
£39 - £62

Control Your Cleaning Services From Your Mobile Device

  • Easily edit or add more services
  • Specify your cleaning priorities
  • Contact your cleaner directly
  • Monitor the status of your service

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Control Your Cleaning Services From Your Mobile Device
Seven Kings IG 020 3404 3444
Mon-Sat 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM BST
based on 30,580 reviews
Become fantastic franchisee

Start Your Own Professional Cleaning Business With the Support of a Proven Franchise System

Our franchise program is a low-risk, high-reward opportunity that has helped over 500 franchisees succeed. You'll get everything you need to run a successful cleaning busines. We'll be there every step of the way to help you succeed.

Unlock More Time for Yourself - Let the Professional Cleaners Do the Chores

Domestic clients 020 3404 3444
Business clients 020 3746 1062

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