House Cleaning Services in Ilford

Book professional cleaning services in Ilford provided by vetted cleaners
  • 7-day availability
  • Trained & insured professional cleaners
  • 5-star cleaning services in Ilford
  • Safe biodegradable cleaning products
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Why Choose Ilford Cleaners

Keep your home or business looking its best with our affordable cleaning services

  • Easy online booking
  • 7-day availability
  • Experienced local cleaners
  • High quality service
  • Insured and vetted professionals
Why Choose Ilford Cleaners

How to Book Professional Cleaning Service in Ilford

You can book online quickly and easily using our convenient form. Check the real-time availability of cleaners in Ilford and book your service in minutes. Get started today and have a hassle-free experience.

  • 1. Enter your area postcode Create a Fantastic Account and make a booking online by entering your postcode.
  • 2. Choose the service you need Provide all the required information and specify your cleaning expectations.
  • 3. Select a time slot Let us know what time works best for you, and we'll ensure the cleaners arrive at that time.
  • 4. Enjoy Fantastic results Get a spotless home without wasting time or effort.

Trusted and Insured Cleaners in Ilford

  • Fully trained cleaners.
  • Experienced in handling a variety of domestic chores.
  • Reliable and consistent in service delivery.
  • Equipped with eco-friendly cleaning supplies.
  • Offering flexible scheduling options.
Trusted and Insured Cleaners in Ilford

See what Ilford Residents are Saying About Our Professional Cleaning Services

What the Cleaners in Ilford Can Do for Your Home

The professionals we work with are trained and knowledgable all aspects of home cleaning.

End of Tenancy Cleaning Service

Our 5-star rated end of tenancy cleaning service, approved by landlords and leading letting agents throughout London, guarantees your rental property will be left sparkling clean.

Carpet Cleaning Service

For our carpet cleaning service we use the newest equipment for steam cleaning carpets, rugs, upholstery, mattresses and curtains right at your place!

Regular Cleaning Service

Choose a day and time convenient for you. Tell us what tasks are most important to you, and we'll handle the rest!

Window Cleaning Service

We have the expertise and equipment to make your commercial or residential windows look brand new.

Gutter Cleaning Service

Prevent expensive water damage to your property by using professional gutter cleaning services.

Oven Cleaning Service

At our oven cleaning service, we bring top-of-the-line professional equipment right to your kitchen. We clean ovens, hobs, extractors, and microwaves on-site.

Check prices & availability Login required. Book in less than 3 minutes.

Meet Local House Cleaners in Ilford

Suzana 4.95/5 262 ratings

Number of bookings: 743

With Fantastic Services for: 4 years


Regular Cleaning One-Off Cleaning Ironing

What the reviews say

"Dependable service that earns my trust every time. Highly recommended."

- Liam C.

Mariya 4.67/5 136 ratings

Number of bookings: 553

With Fantastic Services for: 5 years


Regular Cleaning One-Off Cleaning Ironing Decluttering

What the reviews say

"A company that offers a range of services for every requirement. Convenience and quality guaranteed."

- Daniel M.

Antoaneta 4.26/5 590 ratings

Number of bookings: 3171

With Fantastic Services for: 5 years


Regular Cleaning One-Off Cleaning Ironing Holiday Rental Cleaning

What the reviews say

"Highly flexible and reliable. They're available when I need them, ensuring a smooth experience."

- Sophia L.

Frequently asked questions

What products are used for general cleaning services?

We use products such as non-toxic all-purpose cleaners, disinfectants, microfiber cloths, sponges, vacuums and mops. Our specialised services such as upholstery and carpet cleaning may involve the use of more specialised products.

What can the cleaner I booked do in 3 hours?

It depends on your individual needs; most houses can be tidied up in less than 3 hours if you leave out deep cleaning tasks. The exact duration isn't fixed and we can only insure great service of quality in the booked hours.

How often should I have my home cleaned by a general cleaning service?

It depends on your individual needs; most people schedule weekly or bi-weekly cleaning services. However, it is important to note that some areas may require more frequent cleaning depending on traffic levels and usage.

What are the prices for the cleaning service?

Each service has a different price scheme. The regular cleaning is hourly-based starting from £18/hour.

Are general cleaning services safe?

Yes, we use only safe and eco-friendly products and methods. They also take great measures to ensure the safety of their team members and customers, so you can be assured of the highest level of safety.

What are the Average Cleaning Service Costs in Ilford

The majority of cleaning services are conducted on an hourly basis; the cleaners will remain until the allotted time slot has expired.

Average service cost in this area is:
£43 - £53

Access Your Cleaning Services From Your Mobile Device

  • Easily edit or add more services
  • Specify your cleaning priorities
  • Contact your cleaner directly
  • Check the status of your service

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Ilford IG 020 4600 0028
Mon-Sat 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM BST
based on 30,580 reviews


  • Pitstanding franchise marketing winner
  • Most innovative service introduction winner
  • Best online marketing campaign finalist
  • Inspirational woman in franchising finalist
  • Rancked #7 in the Uk's top 100 franchises
  • Outstanding business winner
  • Franchisor of the year winner
  • Rancked in top 100 franchises form 20221
  • Most innovative professional service CRM platform winner
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Our franchise program takes the risks out and gives you the full support you need to succeed. You'll be joining a network of over 500 successful franchisees who have helped us become the leading cleaning franchise in the industry.

Enjoy More Free Time - Hire an Expert Cleaner in Ilford

Domestic clients 020 4600 0028
Business clients 020 3746 1062

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