Mobile car service mechanics in London

Our highly trained mechanics will take care of your car while you carry on with your day!

  • Fully trained mechanics
  • Choose a time that works for you
  • FREE car diagnostics
  • Reasonable and affordable
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How to book your mobile car servicing easily


Use our online booking form, download the GoFantastic app, or give us a call


Choose a date and time for your car service appointment


You will receive a pricing quote within 24 hours from our representative


The right service will be provided for your car

What is included in our London mobile car service?

Our expertise lies in providing top-notch car services for all car models, and we stand behind the quality of our work. Our skilled mobile car mechanics will arrive at your location in London with all the necessary equipment to deliver a professional service.

For us to provide a smooth service, please ensure that your car is parked on a flat surface at your home or workplace. This surface should be away from the road and easily accessible from all sides. Your assigned mechanic will inform you when they are en route to your location. Simply hand over your keys, and they will start working on your car.

Our mobile car services offer:
  • Oil change;
  • Oil filter change;
  • Air filter change;
  • Fuel filter change;
  • Windshield wiper fluid refill;
  • Car battery check and replacement;
  • Engine flush.

Get a free car diagnostic with your mobile servicing in London

If you're uncertain about the problem with your car, our diagnostic services employ advanced tools and extensive knowledge to accurately diagnose the issue. Most modern vehicles come equipped with onboard computers that constantly monitor the car's performance.

When something goes wrong, the car’s computer generates error codes that can only be read with specialized diagnostic equipment. While a warning light may indicate a problem, a diagnostic check is necessary to fully comprehend the issue's scope. During the diagnostic check, our mechanics will identify the cause of the problem and advise you on any additional repair work that may be required.

Frequently asked questions

Is it necessary for me to be home during the service?
You or someone acting on your behalf must provide your mobile mechanic with the keys to your car. Once they have your keys, you can carry on with your day. When they're on their way, they'll call you to make arrangements.
How long does a full service take?
A full service is generally completed around an hour or hour and 30 minutes by our mobile mechanics. It can sometimes take longer, depending on the type of car you have, where it's parked and how many filters you want us to change.
What is included in an oil change?
Maintaining your engine's efficiency and preventing damage requires regular oil changes. It's recommended that you have your oil changed every 7 500 miles. Our technicians will check for leaks, then drain and refill your engine oil with the recommended grade and type. The oil filter will also be changed at the same time.
Can the onboard computer be updated with my service history, and can the service messages be reset?
Currently, we are not able to upload the service history. However, for an extra fee, we can reset the service message intervals on your dashboard. Please make sure to request it when making your booking.

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Visit our Help Center.

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Domestic clients 020 3404 3444
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